

Genus Planiliza Whitley, 1945


Planiliza haematocheilus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845)


アカメ(青森県,山形県,新潟県,岐阜県,愛知県,三重県,佐賀県,南日本),アカメボラ,イセゴイ(茨城県,島根県),イセゴヒ(静岡県),エビナ(佐賀県),エビナゴ(佐賀県),エブナ(佐賀県),ギンボラ(茨城県),コスリ(当歳魚),シクチ(山口県,佐賀県),シュクチ(高知県,佐賀県,朱口,口唇がやや赤みを帯びることからという説,関西から九州,南日本),スクチ(高知県,素口,関西から九州,南日本),トオブシ(東京都,2,3歳のもの,投網の網目にちなむ),トーブシ(東京都,2,3歳のもの,投網の網目にちなむ),トーボシ(東京都,2,3歳のもの,投網の網目にちなむ),ナイシ(岐阜県),ナヨシ(佐賀県),ナヨセ(佐賀県),バンバ(高知県),フルヤスミ(佐賀県),ボラ(東北地方,青森県,山形県,新潟県,混称,ボラと混称),マイオ(佐賀県),マウオ(有明海),ミョウゲツ(宮城県),メナ(茨城県),メナダ(4歳以上,眼奈陀),メボラ(茨城県),ヤスミ(有明海,佐賀県,小型のもの),ワカヤスミ(佐賀県),赤目ボラ(山形県),Haarder,Menada,Russian Grey Mullet,Soiuy Mullet,redlip mullet


メナダ = 東京での称呼(田中 1931).


Planiliza haematocheilusvan der Laan, 2015van der Laan, R. 2015. Freshwater Fish List: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Eleventh edition. 910pp.; van der Laan, 2016van der Laan, R. 2016. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Seventeenth edition. 940pp.; van der Laan, 2017van der Laan, R. 2017. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twentieth edition. 975pp.; van der Laan, 2018van der Laan, R. 2018. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-fourth edition. 1006pp.; van der Laan, 2019van der Laan, R. 2019. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-sixth edition. 1072pp.; van der Laan, 2020van der Laan, R. 2020. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-eighth edition. 1088pp.
メナダMochida & Motomura, 2018Mochida, I. & Motomura, H. 2018. An annotated checklist of marine and freshwater fishes of Tokunoshima island in the Amami Islands, Kagoshima, southern Japan, with 214 new records. Bulletin of the Kagoshima University Museum, 10: 1-80.; 本村, 2020 (JAF list ver. 1 - 6); 本村, 2021 (JAF list ver. 7 - 12); 本村, 2022 (JAF list ver. 13 - 18); 本村, 2023 (JAF list ver. 19 - 21)
Chelon haematocheilusメナダ中坊編, 2000中坊徹次(編). 2000. 日本産魚類検索 全種の同定 第二版. 東海大学出版会,lvi+1748pp.; 川那部ほか編, 2002川那部浩哉・水野信彦・細谷和海(編). 2002. 山渓カラー名鑑 日本の淡水魚 3版. 山と渓谷社,720pp. URL; 吉郷, 2003吉郷英範. 2003. 壱岐・対馬で確認された陸水性魚類. 比和科学博物館研究報告,42: 1-29.; 中坊編, 2013中坊徹次(編). 2013. 日本産魚類検索 全種の同定 第三版. 東海大学出版会,l+2430pp. URL; 吉郷, 2014吉郷英範. 2014. 琉球列島産陸水性魚類相および文献目録. Fauna Ryukyuana, 9: 1–153.; 田島, 2014田島正敏(監). 2014. 改訂版 佐賀県の淡水魚 人と川と自然を考える. 佐賀県立図書館,153pp. URL; 金澤, 2014金澤 光. 2014. 埼玉県に生息する魚類の生息状況について. 埼玉県環境科学国際センター報, 14: 95-106.; 吉郷, 2015吉郷英範. 2015. 広島県の陸水産魚類. 比和科学博物館研究報告,56:91-181;10pls.; 細谷ほか, 2015細谷和海・内山りゅう・藤田朝彦・武内啓明・川瀬成吾. 2015. 山渓ハンディ図鑑15 日本の淡水魚. 山と渓谷社,528pp. Amazon; 中坊編, 2018中坊徹次(編). 2018. 小学館の図鑑Z 日本魚類館. 小学館,xvi+524pp. Amazon; 山川, 2018山川雄大. 2018. 網走湖-網走川河口より確認された魚類. 知床博物館研究報告, 40: 19-33.; 畑間ほか, 2018畑間俊弘・浜野龍夫・齋藤 稔. 2018. 山口県における淡水性魚類・十脚甲殻類の生物地理,水系,およびセグメントスケールでの分布パターン. 日本生物地理学会会報,72: 141-199.; 金川ほか, 2018金川直幸・森口宏明・北原佳郎・渋川浩一. 2018. 菊川水系感潮域の魚類相(予報). 東海自然誌, 11: 21-43.; 向井, 2019向井貴彦(編著). 2019. 岐阜県の魚類 第二版. 岐阜新聞社, 224pp. Amazon; 尼岡ほか, 2020尼岡邦夫・仲谷一宏・矢部 衞. 2020. 北海道の魚類 全種図鑑. 北海道新聞社, 590pp. Amazon
Liza haematocheilaDurand et al, 2012Durand, J.-D., Chen, W.-J., Shen, K.-N., Fu, C. & Borsa, P. 2012. Genus-level taxonomic changes implied by the mitochondrial phylogeny of grey mullets (Teleostei: Mugilidae). Comptes Rendus Biologies, 335: 687-697.; Kottelat, 2013Kottelat, M. 2013. The Fishes of the Inland Waters of Southeast Asia: A Catalogue and Core Bibliography of the Fishes Known to Occur in Freshwaters, Mangroves and Estuaries. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 27: 1-663.; Romanov, 2014Romanov, V.I. 2014. PLACE OF ICHTHYOFAUNA OF RUSSIA IN THE SYSTEM OF WORLD FISH FAUNA. Tomsk State University, 408pp.
Liza haematocheilusBogutskaya & Naseka, 2004Bogutskaya, N.G. & Naseka, A.M. 2004. Catalogue of Agnathans and Fishes of Fresh and Brackish Waters of Russia with comments on nomenclature and taxonomy. KMK Scientific Press Ltd., 389pp.







  • IUCN - -----
  • 環境省 - -----
  • 東京都区部2020 - 絶滅危惧II類
  • 東京都北多摩2020 - 絶滅危惧II類
  • 神奈川県2006 - 情報不足
  • 長崎県2022 - 準絶滅危惧


Durand et al. (2012)は本種をPlaniliza属に移している.塩焼き,洗い,鍋物,卵巣は塩干ししてカラスミにされる(尼岡ほか 2020).


魚類写真資料データベースで見る WEB魚図鑑で見る 日本淡水魚愛護会で見る


Planiliza lauvergnii (Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850)


シクチ(佐賀県),シュクチ(佐賀県),Sesuji-bora,eastern keelback mullet


セスジ = 背中線は隆起縁となることにちなむ


Planiliza lauvergniivan der Laan, 2015van der Laan, R. 2015. Freshwater Fish List: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Eleventh edition. 910pp.; van der Laan, 2016van der Laan, R. 2016. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Seventeenth edition. 940pp.; van der Laan, 2017van der Laan, R. 2017. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twentieth edition. 975pp.; van der Laan, 2018van der Laan, R. 2018. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-fourth edition. 1006pp.; van der Laan, 2019van der Laan, R. 2019. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-sixth edition. 1072pp.; van der Laan, 2020van der Laan, R. 2020. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-eighth edition. 1088pp.; van der Laan, 2021van der Laan, R. 2021. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-first Edition. 1102pp.; Hasan et al., 2022Hasan, M.E., Hasan, A., Béarez, P., Shen, K.-N., Chang, C.-W., Tran, T.T.V., Golani, D., Al-Saboonchi, A., Siddiqui, P.J.A. & Durand, J.-D. 2022. Planiliza lauvergnii (Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850), a senior synonym of Planiliza affinis (Günther, 1861) with a re-evaluation of keeled back mullets (Mugiliformes: Mugilidae). Zootaxa, 5194(4): 497-518. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5194.4.2 URL; van der Laan, 2022van der Laan, R. 2022. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-fourth Edition. 1120pp.; van der Laan, 2023van der Laan, R. 2023. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-seventh Edition. 1130pp.
セスジボラ吉郷, 2022吉郷英範. 2022. 日本産ボラ科魚類(硬骨魚類:ボラ目)の主に陸水域における観察情報. 比婆科学, 275: 9-22, 2 pls.; 本村, 2022 (JAF list ver. 17, 18); Motomura, 2023 (種子島)Motomura, H. 2023. An annotated checklist of marine and freshwater fishes of Tanega-shima and Mage-shima islands in the Osumi Islands, Kagoshima, southern Japan, with 536 new records. Bulletin of the Kagoshima University Museum, 20: 1-250.; 本村, 2023 (JAF list ver. 19 - 21)
Chelon affinisセスジボラ中坊編, 2000中坊徹次(編). 2000. 日本産魚類検索 全種の同定 第二版. 東海大学出版会,lvi+1748pp.; 川那部ほか編, 2002川那部浩哉・水野信彦・細谷和海(編). 2002. 山渓カラー名鑑 日本の淡水魚 3版. 山と渓谷社,720pp. URL; 吉郷, 2003吉郷英範. 2003. 壱岐・対馬で確認された陸水性魚類. 比和科学博物館研究報告,42: 1-29.; 兵庫陸水生物研究会編, 2008兵庫陸水生物研究会(編). 2008. 兵庫県の淡水魚. 兵庫県立人と自然の博物館自然環境モノグラフ, 4: 1-243.; 中坊編, 2013中坊徹次(編). 2013. 日本産魚類検索 全種の同定 第三版. 東海大学出版会,l+2430pp. URL; 吉郷, 2014吉郷英範. 2014. 琉球列島産陸水性魚類相および文献目録. Fauna Ryukyuana, 9: 1–153.; 田島, 2014田島正敏(監). 2014. 改訂版 佐賀県の淡水魚 人と川と自然を考える. 佐賀県立図書館,153pp. URL; 吉郷, 2015吉郷英範. 2015. 広島県の陸水産魚類. 比和科学博物館研究報告,56:91-181;10pls.; 細谷ほか, 2015細谷和海・内山りゅう・藤田朝彦・武内啓明・川瀬成吾. 2015. 山渓ハンディ図鑑15 日本の淡水魚. 山と渓谷社,528pp. Amazon; 金川ほか, 2018金川直幸・森口宏明・北原佳郎・渋川浩一. 2018. 菊川水系感潮域の魚類相(予報). 東海自然誌, 11: 21-43.; 細谷ほか, 2019細谷和海・内山りゅう・藤田朝彦・武内啓明・川瀬成吾. 2019. 山渓ハンディ図鑑15 増補改訂 日本の淡水魚. 山と渓谷社, 560pp. Amazon; 尼岡ほか, 2020尼岡邦夫・仲谷一宏・矢部 衞. 2020. 北海道の魚類 全種図鑑. 北海道新聞社, 590pp. Amazon
Chelon lauvergniiセスジボラNakae et al., 2018Nakae, M., Motomura, H., Hagiwara, K., Senou, H., Koeda, K., Yoshida, T., Tashiro, S., Jeong, B., Hata, H., Fukui, Y., Fujiwara, K., Yamakawa, T., Aizawa, M., Shinohara, G. & Matsuura, K. 2018. An Annotated Checklist of Fishes of Amami-oshima Island, the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Mem. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Tokyo, (52): 205-361.; 中坊編, 2018中坊徹次(編). 2018. 小学館の図鑑Z 日本魚類館. 小学館,xvi+524pp. Amazon; 本村ほか編, 2018本村浩之・萩原清司・瀬能 宏・中江雅典(編). 2018. 奄美群島の魚類. 鹿児島大学総合研究博物館,横須賀市自然・人文博物館,神奈川県立生命の星・地球博物館,国立科学博物館,414pp.; Fujiwara & Motomura, 2020Fujiwara, K. & Motomura, H. 2020. An annotated checklist of marine and freshwater fishes of Kikai Island in the Amami Islands, Kagoshima, southern Japan, with 259 new records. Bulletin of the Kagoshima University Museum, 14: 1-73.; 本村, 2020 (JAF list ver. 1 - 6); 本村ほか, 2020本村浩之・山本智子・田金秀一郎(編). 2020. 鹿児島県北西部 不知火海にそそぐ 高尾野川河口周辺の生きものたち. 鹿児島大学総合研究博物館, 316pp.; 本村, 2021 (JAF list ver. 7 - 12); 本村, 2022 (JAF list ver. 13 - 18); 本村, 2023 (JAF list ver. 19 - 21)
Liza affinisDurand et al, 2012Durand, J.-D., Chen, W.-J., Shen, K.-N., Fu, C. & Borsa, P. 2012. Genus-level taxonomic changes implied by the mitochondrial phylogeny of grey mullets (Teleostei: Mugilidae). Comptes Rendus Biologies, 335: 687-697.
Liza lauvergniiKottelat, 2013Kottelat, M. 2013. The Fishes of the Inland Waters of Southeast Asia: A Catalogue and Core Bibliography of the Fishes Known to Occur in Freshwaters, Mangroves and Estuaries. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 27: 1-663.
Mugil affinisノコギリボラ細谷ほか, 2019細谷和海・内山りゅう・藤田朝彦・武内啓明・川瀬成吾. 2019. 山渓ハンディ図鑑15 増補改訂 日本の淡水魚. 山と渓谷社, 560pp. Amazon
Planiliza affinisDurand & Borsa, 2015Durand, J.-D. & Borsa, P. 2015. Mitochondrial phylogeny of grey mullets (Acanthopterygii: Mugilidae) suggests high proportion of cryptic species. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 338(4): 266-277.; Xia et al., 2016Xia, R., Durand, J.-D. & Fu, C. 2016. Multilocus resolution of Mugilidae phylogeny (Teleostei: Mugiliformes): Implications for the family's taxonomy. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 96: 161-177.







  • IUCN - -----
  • 環境省 - -----


Durand et al. (2012)は本種をPlaniliza属に移している.細谷ほか (2019)はノコギリボラMugil affinisを日本産淡水魚類リストに含めているが,セスジボラChelon affinisと属名が異なるだけで,ノコギリボラは単なる異名である.


魚類写真資料データベースで見る WEB魚図鑑で見る 日本淡水魚愛護会で見る


Planiliza melinoptera (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1836)


Otomebora mullet / Cream Mullet / St. Lucia Mullet / Black Head / Hirugi-menada


Planiliza melinopteraDurand & Borsa, 2015Durand, J.-D. & Borsa, P. 2015. Mitochondrial phylogeny of grey mullets (Acanthopterygii: Mugilidae) suggests high proportion of cryptic species. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 338(4): 266-277.; van der Laan, 2015van der Laan, R. 2015. Freshwater Fish List: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Eleventh edition. 910pp.; van der Laan, 2016van der Laan, R. 2016. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Seventeenth edition. 940pp.; van der Laan, 2017van der Laan, R. 2017. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twentieth edition. 975pp.; van der Laan, 2018van der Laan, R. 2018. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-fourth edition. 1006pp.; van der Laan, 2019van der Laan, R. 2019. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-sixth edition. 1072pp.; van der Laan, 2020van der Laan, R. 2020. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-eighth edition. 1088pp.; van der Laan, 2021van der Laan, R. 2021. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-first Edition. 1102pp.; Hasan et al., 2022Hasan, M.E., Hasan, A., Béarez, P., Shen, K.-N., Chang, C.-W., Tran, T.T.V., Golani, D., Al-Saboonchi, A., Siddiqui, P.J.A. & Durand, J.-D. 2022. Planiliza lauvergnii (Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850), a senior synonym of Planiliza affinis (Günther, 1861) with a re-evaluation of keeled back mullets (Mugiliformes: Mugilidae). Zootaxa, 5194(4): 497-518. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5194.4.2 URL; van der Laan, 2022van der Laan, R. 2022. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-fourth Edition. 1120pp.; van der Laan, 2023van der Laan, R. 2023. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-seventh Edition. 1130pp.
Chelon melinopteraヒルギメナダNakae et al., 2018Nakae, M., Motomura, H., Hagiwara, K., Senou, H., Koeda, K., Yoshida, T., Tashiro, S., Jeong, B., Hata, H., Fukui, Y., Fujiwara, K., Yamakawa, T., Aizawa, M., Shinohara, G. & Matsuura, K. 2018. An Annotated Checklist of Fishes of Amami-oshima Island, the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Mem. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Tokyo, (52): 205-361.
Chelon melinopterusDurand et al, 2012Durand, J.-D., Chen, W.-J., Shen, K.-N., Fu, C. & Borsa, P. 2012. Genus-level taxonomic changes implied by the mitochondrial phylogeny of grey mullets (Teleostei: Mugilidae). Comptes Rendus Biologies, 335: 687-697.
ヒルギメナダ中坊編, 2000中坊徹次(編). 2000. 日本産魚類検索 全種の同定 第二版. 東海大学出版会,lvi+1748pp.; 中坊編, 2013中坊徹次(編). 2013. 日本産魚類検索 全種の同定 第三版. 東海大学出版会,l+2430pp. URL; 吉郷, 2014吉郷英範. 2014. 琉球列島産陸水性魚類相および文献目録. Fauna Ryukyuana, 9: 1–153.; 細谷ほか, 2015細谷和海・内山りゅう・藤田朝彦・武内啓明・川瀬成吾. 2015. 山渓ハンディ図鑑15 日本の淡水魚. 山と渓谷社,528pp. Amazon; Koeda et al., 2016Koeda, K., Hibino, Y., Yoshida, T., Kimura, Y., Miki, R., Kunishima, T., Sasaki, D., Furukawa, T., Sakurai, M., Eguchi, K., Suzuki, H., Inaba, T., Uejo, T., Tanaka, S., Fujisawa, M., Wada, H. & Uchiyama, T. 2016. Annotated checklist of fishes of Yonaguni-jima island, the westernmost island in Japan. The Kagoshima University Museum, v+120pp.; 細谷ほか, 2019細谷和海・内山りゅう・藤田朝彦・武内啓明・川瀬成吾. 2019. 山渓ハンディ図鑑15 増補改訂 日本の淡水魚. 山と渓谷社, 560pp. Amazon; 本村, 2020 (JAF list ver. 1 - 6); 本村, 2021 (JAF list ver. 7 - 12); 本村, 2022 (JAF list ver. 13 - 16)
Liza melinopteraKottelat, 2013Kottelat, M. 2013. The Fishes of the Inland Waters of Southeast Asia: A Catalogue and Core Bibliography of the Fishes Known to Occur in Freshwaters, Mangroves and Estuaries. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 27: 1-663.
Planiliza cf. melinoptera (sensu lato)ヒルギメナダ吉郷, 2022吉郷英範. 2022. 日本産ボラ科魚類(硬骨魚類:ボラ目)の主に陸水域における観察情報. 比婆科学, 275: 9-22, 2 pls.
Planiliza melinopterusSuresh et al., 2018Suresh, V.R., Mohanty, S.K., Manna, R.K., Bhatta, K.S., Mukherjee, M., Karna, S.K., Sharma, A.P., Das, B.K., Pattnaik, A.K., Nanda, S. & Lenka, S. 2018. Fish and shellfish diversity and its sustainable management in Chilika lake. ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, Kolkata and Chilika Development Authority, 376pp.
ヒルギメナダ本村, 2022 (JAF list ver. 17, 18); 本村, 2023 (JAF list ver. 19 - 21)







  • IUCN - 軽度懸念(Chelon melinopterusとして)IUCN Website
  • 環境省 - -----


Durand et al. (2012)は本種をPlaniliza属に移している


魚類写真資料データベースで見る WEB魚図鑑で見る 日本淡水魚愛護会で見る


Planiliza sp. H





Planiliza sp. HDurand & Borsa, 2015Durand, J.-D. & Borsa, P. 2015. Mitochondrial phylogeny of grey mullets (Acanthopterygii: Mugilidae) suggests high proportion of cryptic species. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 338(4): 266-277.; Hasan et al., 2022Hasan, M.E., Hasan, A., Béarez, P., Shen, K.-N., Chang, C.-W., Tran, T.T.V., Golani, D., Al-Saboonchi, A., Siddiqui, P.J.A. & Durand, J.-D. 2022. Planiliza lauvergnii (Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850), a senior synonym of Planiliza affinis (Günther, 1861) with a re-evaluation of keeled back mullets (Mugiliformes: Mugilidae). Zootaxa, 5194(4): 497-518. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5194.4.2 URL
Chelon macrolepisDurand et al, 2012Durand, J.-D., Chen, W.-J., Shen, K.-N., Fu, C. & Borsa, P. 2012. Genus-level taxonomic changes implied by the mitochondrial phylogeny of grey mullets (Teleostei: Mugilidae). Comptes Rendus Biologies, 335: 687-697.
コボラ中坊編, 2000中坊徹次(編). 2000. 日本産魚類検索 全種の同定 第二版. 東海大学出版会,lvi+1748pp.; 川那部ほか編, 2002川那部浩哉・水野信彦・細谷和海(編). 2002. 山渓カラー名鑑 日本の淡水魚 3版. 山と渓谷社,720pp. URL; 吉郷, 2003吉郷英範. 2003. 壱岐・対馬で確認された陸水性魚類. 比和科学博物館研究報告,42: 1-29.; 中坊編, 2013中坊徹次(編). 2013. 日本産魚類検索 全種の同定 第三版. 東海大学出版会,l+2430pp. URL; 吉郷, 2014吉郷英範. 2014. 琉球列島産陸水性魚類相および文献目録. Fauna Ryukyuana, 9: 1–153.; 本村・松浦編, 2014本村浩之・松浦啓一(編). 2014. 奄美群島最南端の島-与論島の魚類. 鹿児島大学総合研究博物館・国立科学博物館,648pp.; 細谷ほか, 2015細谷和海・内山りゅう・藤田朝彦・武内啓明・川瀬成吾. 2015. 山渓ハンディ図鑑15 日本の淡水魚. 山と渓谷社,528pp. Amazon; Koeda et al., 2016Koeda, K., Hibino, Y., Yoshida, T., Kimura, Y., Miki, R., Kunishima, T., Sasaki, D., Furukawa, T., Sakurai, M., Eguchi, K., Suzuki, H., Inaba, T., Uejo, T., Tanaka, S., Fujisawa, M., Wada, H. & Uchiyama, T. 2016. Annotated checklist of fishes of Yonaguni-jima island, the westernmost island in Japan. The Kagoshima University Museum, v+120pp.; Motomura & Harazaki, 2017Motomura, H. & Harazaki, S. 2017. Annotated checklist of marine and freshwater fishes of Yaku-shima island in the Osumi Islands, Kagoshima, southern Japan, with 129 new records. Bulletin of the Kagoshima University Museum, 9: 1-183.; Mochida & Motomura, 2018Mochida, I. & Motomura, H. 2018. An annotated checklist of marine and freshwater fishes of Tokunoshima island in the Amami Islands, Kagoshima, southern Japan, with 214 new records. Bulletin of the Kagoshima University Museum, 10: 1-80.; Nakae et al., 2018Nakae, M., Motomura, H., Hagiwara, K., Senou, H., Koeda, K., Yoshida, T., Tashiro, S., Jeong, B., Hata, H., Fukui, Y., Fujiwara, K., Yamakawa, T., Aizawa, M., Shinohara, G. & Matsuura, K. 2018. An Annotated Checklist of Fishes of Amami-oshima Island, the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Mem. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Tokyo, (52): 205-361.; 中坊編, 2018中坊徹次(編). 2018. 小学館の図鑑Z 日本魚類館. 小学館,xvi+524pp. Amazon; 本村ほか編, 2018本村浩之・萩原清司・瀬能 宏・中江雅典(編). 2018. 奄美群島の魚類. 鹿児島大学総合研究博物館,横須賀市自然・人文博物館,神奈川県立生命の星・地球博物館,国立科学博物館,414pp.; 金川ほか, 2018金川直幸・森口宏明・北原佳郎・渋川浩一. 2018. 菊川水系感潮域の魚類相(予報). 東海自然誌, 11: 21-43.; 細谷ほか, 2019細谷和海・内山りゅう・藤田朝彦・武内啓明・川瀬成吾. 2019. 山渓ハンディ図鑑15 増補改訂 日本の淡水魚. 山と渓谷社, 560pp. Amazon; Fujiwara & Motomura, 2020Fujiwara, K. & Motomura, H. 2020. An annotated checklist of marine and freshwater fishes of Kikai Island in the Amami Islands, Kagoshima, southern Japan, with 259 new records. Bulletin of the Kagoshima University Museum, 14: 1-73.; Motomura & Uehara, 2020Motomura, H. & Uehara, K. 2020. An annotated checklist of marine and freshwater fishes of Okinoerabu Island in the Amami Islands, Kagoshima, southern Japan, with 361 new records. Bulletin of the Kagoshima University Museum, 12: 1-125.; 本村, 2020 (JAF list ver. 1 - 6); 本村ほか, 2020本村浩之・山本智子・田金秀一郎(編). 2020. 鹿児島県北西部 不知火海にそそぐ 高尾野川河口周辺の生きものたち. 鹿児島大学総合研究博物館, 316pp.; Jeong & Motomura, 2021Jeong, B. & Motomura, H. 2021. AN ANNOTATED CHECKLIST OF MARINE AND FRESHWATER FISHES OF FIVE ISLANDS OF MISHIMA IN THE OSUMI ISLANDS, KAGOSHIMA, SOUTHERN JAPAN, WITH 109 NEW RECORDS. Bulletin of the Kagoshima University Museum, 16: 1-116.; 本村, 2021 (JAF list ver. 7 - 12); 望月ほか, 2022望月健太郎・是枝伶旺・佐藤智水・本村浩之. 2022. 大隅諸島竹島から得られた北限更新記録を含む同島初記録の魚類43種. Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 23: 19-31. DOI: 10.34583/ichthy.23.0_19 URL; 本村, 2022 (JAF list ver. 13 - 16); 福地・立原, 2022福地伊芙映・立原一憲. 2022. 大東諸島から得られたボラ科魚類7種の記録. 魚類学雑誌, DOI: 10.11369/jji.21-006 URL
Liza macrolepisKottelat, 2013Kottelat, M. 2013. The Fishes of the Inland Waters of Southeast Asia: A Catalogue and Core Bibliography of the Fishes Known to Occur in Freshwaters, Mangroves and Estuaries. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 27: 1-663.
Planiliza cf. macrolepis (sensu lato)コボラ吉郷, 2022吉郷英範. 2022. 日本産ボラ科魚類(硬骨魚類:ボラ目)の主に陸水域における観察情報. 比婆科学, 275: 9-22, 2 pls.
Planiliza cf. macrolepis sp. HXia et al., 2016Xia, R., Durand, J.-D. & Fu, C. 2016. Multilocus resolution of Mugilidae phylogeny (Teleostei: Mugiliformes): Implications for the family's taxonomy. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 96: 161-177.
Planiliza macrolepisコボラ本村, 2022 (JAF list ver. 17, 18); Motomura, 2023 (種子島,馬毛島)Motomura, H. 2023. An annotated checklist of marine and freshwater fishes of Tanega-shima and Mage-shima islands in the Osumi Islands, Kagoshima, southern Japan, with 536 new records. Bulletin of the Kagoshima University Museum, 20: 1-250.; 本村, 2023 (JAF list ver. 19 - 21)







  • IUCN - 軽度懸念(Chelon macrolepisとして)IUCN Website
  • 環境省 - -----


Durand et al. (2012)は本種をPlaniliza属に移している.日本,台湾,スリランカ,モルディブ,ニューカレドニア,フィジーにおいてPlaniliza macrolepisとされている種.


魚類写真資料データベースで見る WEB魚図鑑で見る 日本淡水魚愛護会で見る


Planiliza subviridis (Valenciennes, 1836)


greenback mullet / Anpin-bora


Planiliza subviridisDurand & Borsa, 2015Durand, J.-D. & Borsa, P. 2015. Mitochondrial phylogeny of grey mullets (Acanthopterygii: Mugilidae) suggests high proportion of cryptic species. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 338(4): 266-277.; van der Laan, 2015van der Laan, R. 2015. Freshwater Fish List: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Eleventh edition. 910pp.; Xia et al., 2016Xia, R., Durand, J.-D. & Fu, C. 2016. Multilocus resolution of Mugilidae phylogeny (Teleostei: Mugiliformes): Implications for the family's taxonomy. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 96: 161-177.; van der Laan, 2016van der Laan, R. 2016. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Seventeenth edition. 940pp.; van der Laan, 2017van der Laan, R. 2017. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twentieth edition. 975pp.; Suresh et al., 2018Suresh, V.R., Mohanty, S.K., Manna, R.K., Bhatta, K.S., Mukherjee, M., Karna, S.K., Sharma, A.P., Das, B.K., Pattnaik, A.K., Nanda, S. & Lenka, S. 2018. Fish and shellfish diversity and its sustainable management in Chilika lake. ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, Kolkata and Chilika Development Authority, 376pp.; van der Laan, 2018van der Laan, R. 2018. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-fourth edition. 1006pp.; van der Laan, 2019van der Laan, R. 2019. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-sixth edition. 1072pp.; van der Laan, 2020van der Laan, R. 2020. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-eighth edition. 1088pp.; van der Laan, 2021van der Laan, R. 2021. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-first Edition. 1102pp.; Hasan et al., 2022Hasan, M.E., Hasan, A., Béarez, P., Shen, K.-N., Chang, C.-W., Tran, T.T.V., Golani, D., Al-Saboonchi, A., Siddiqui, P.J.A. & Durand, J.-D. 2022. Planiliza lauvergnii (Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850), a senior synonym of Planiliza affinis (Günther, 1861) with a re-evaluation of keeled back mullets (Mugiliformes: Mugilidae). Zootaxa, 5194(4): 497-518. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5194.4.2 URL; van der Laan, 2022van der Laan, R. 2022. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-fourth Edition. 1120pp.; van der Laan, 2023van der Laan, R. 2023. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-seventh Edition. 1130pp.
アンピンボラ本村, 2020 (JAF list ver. 1 - 6); 本村, 2021 (JAF list ver. 7 - 12); 本村, 2022 (JAF list ver. 13 - 18); 本村, 2023 (JAF list ver. 19 - 21)
Chelon subviridisDurand et al, 2012Durand, J.-D., Chen, W.-J., Shen, K.-N., Fu, C. & Borsa, P. 2012. Genus-level taxonomic changes implied by the mitochondrial phylogeny of grey mullets (Teleostei: Mugilidae). Comptes Rendus Biologies, 335: 687-697.
アンピンボラ中坊編, 2000中坊徹次(編). 2000. 日本産魚類検索 全種の同定 第二版. 東海大学出版会,lvi+1748pp.; 中坊編, 2013中坊徹次(編). 2013. 日本産魚類検索 全種の同定 第三版. 東海大学出版会,l+2430pp. URL; 吉郷, 2014吉郷英範. 2014. 琉球列島産陸水性魚類相および文献目録. Fauna Ryukyuana, 9: 1–153.; 環境省, 2015環境省. 2015. レッドデータブック2014 日本の絶滅のおそれのある野生生物 4 汽水・淡水魚類. ぎょうせい,xxx+414pp. Amazon; 細谷ほか, 2015細谷和海・内山りゅう・藤田朝彦・武内啓明・川瀬成吾. 2015. 山渓ハンディ図鑑15 日本の淡水魚. 山と渓谷社,528pp. Amazon; Nakae et al., 2018Nakae, M., Motomura, H., Hagiwara, K., Senou, H., Koeda, K., Yoshida, T., Tashiro, S., Jeong, B., Hata, H., Fukui, Y., Fujiwara, K., Yamakawa, T., Aizawa, M., Shinohara, G. & Matsuura, K. 2018. An Annotated Checklist of Fishes of Amami-oshima Island, the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Mem. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Tokyo, (52): 205-361.; 細谷ほか, 2019細谷和海・内山りゅう・藤田朝彦・武内啓明・川瀬成吾. 2019. 山渓ハンディ図鑑15 増補改訂 日本の淡水魚. 山と渓谷社, 560pp. Amazon
Liza subviridisKottelat, 2013Kottelat, M. 2013. The Fishes of the Inland Waters of Southeast Asia: A Catalogue and Core Bibliography of the Fishes Known to Occur in Freshwaters, Mangroves and Estuaries. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 27: 1-663.
Planiliza cf. subviridis (sensu lato)アンピンボラ種群吉郷, 2022吉郷英範. 2022. 日本産ボラ科魚類(硬骨魚類:ボラ目)の主に陸水域における観察情報. 比婆科学, 275: 9-22, 2 pls.







  • IUCN - -----
  • 環境省 - 情報不足(陸域)
  • 鹿児島県2014 - 情報不足
  • 沖縄県2017 - 情報不足


2種含まれる可能性がある(吉郷 2014,吉郷 2022).Durand et al. (2012)は本種をPlaniliza属に移している.




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  • Durand, J.-D., Chen, W.-J., Shen, K.-N., Fu, C. & Borsa, P. 2012. Genus-level taxonomic changes implied by the mitochondrial phylogeny of grey mullets (Teleostei: Mugilidae). Comptes Rendus Biologies, 335: 687-697.
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  • Koeda, K., Hibino, Y., Yoshida, T., Kimura, Y., Miki, R., Kunishima, T., Sasaki, D., Furukawa, T., Sakurai, M., Eguchi, K., Suzuki, H., Inaba, T., Uejo, T., Tanaka, S., Fujisawa, M., Wada, H. & Uchiyama, T. 2016. Annotated checklist of fishes of Yonaguni-jima island, the westernmost island in Japan. The Kagoshima University Museum, v+120pp.
  • 小関右介. 2021. 佐渡島の淡水魚類相:60年間の変遷の検証および最新魚種目録. 人間生活文化研究, 31: 62-67. DOI: 10.9748/hcs.2021.62 URL
  • Kottelat, M. 2013. The Fishes of the Inland Waters of Southeast Asia: A Catalogue and Core Bibliography of the Fishes Known to Occur in Freshwaters, Mangroves and Estuaries. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 27: 1-663.
  • van der Laan, R. 2023. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-seventh Edition. 1130pp.
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