

Genus Gambusia Poey, 1854

Gambusia = キューバでの呼称で,「Gambusina」(小さい,無価値)に由来(大島 1940)


Gambusia affinis (Baird & Girard, 1853)



アメリカメダカ,タップ(原産地でTop Minnowは別種を指す),タップミノー(佐賀県),タップミンノウ(原産地でTop Minnowは別種を指す),タップミンノー(原産地でTop Minnowは別種を指す),メダカ(ミナミメダカと混称,琉球列島,混称),南洋メダカ,Central Mosquitofish,Gambusia,Gambusia Wrayi,Gambusie,Gambúsia,Mosquitofish,Muskietvisje,Plague Minnow,Silver Gambusia,Spotted Gambusia,Tandkarper van Texas,Texas Gambusia,Westelijk muskietenvisje,Zilveren tandkarper,guayacón mosquito,western mosquitofish


Gambusia affinisBogutskaya & Naseka, 2004Bogutskaya, N.G. & Naseka, A.M. 2004. Catalogue of Agnathans and Fishes of Fresh and Brackish Waters of Russia with comments on nomenclature and taxonomy. KMK Scientific Press Ltd., 389pp.; Kottelat, 2013Kottelat, M. 2013. The Fishes of the Inland Waters of Southeast Asia: A Catalogue and Core Bibliography of the Fishes Known to Occur in Freshwaters, Mangroves and Estuaries. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 27: 1-663.; Zhang et al., 2016Zhang, C.-G., Zhao, Y.-H. et al. 2016. Species Diversity and Distribution of Inland Fishes in China. Science Press, viii+284pp.
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?Gambusia affinisRomanov, 2014Romanov, V.I. 2014. PLACE OF ICHTHYOFAUNA OF RUSSIA IN THE SYSTEM OF WORLD FISH FAUNA. Tomsk State University, 408pp.
Gambasia affinisカダヤシ吉郷, 2015吉郷英範. 2015. 広島県の陸水産魚類. 比和科学博物館研究報告,56:91-181;10pls.
Gambsia affinisカダヤシ田島, 2014田島正敏(監). 2014. 改訂版 佐賀県の淡水魚 人と川と自然を考える. 佐賀県立図書館,153pp. URL
Gambusia (Arthrophallus) affinisvan der Laan, 2015van der Laan, R. 2015. Freshwater Fish List: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Eleventh edition. 910pp.; van der Laan, 2016van der Laan, R. 2016. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Seventeenth edition. 940pp.; van der Laan, 2017van der Laan, R. 2017. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twentieth edition. 975pp.; van der Laan, 2018van der Laan, R. 2018. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-fourth edition. 1006pp.; van der Laan, 2019van der Laan, R. 2019. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-sixth edition. 1072pp.; van der Laan, 2020van der Laan, R. 2020. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-eighth edition. 1088pp.; van der Laan, 2021van der Laan, R. 2021. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-first Edition. 1102pp.; van der Laan, 2022van der Laan, R. 2022. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-fourth Edition. 1120pp.; van der Laan, 2023van der Laan, R. 2023. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-seventh Edition. 1130pp.
Gambusia affinis affinisカダヤシFujiwara & Motomura, 2020Fujiwara, K. & Motomura, H. 2020. An annotated checklist of marine and freshwater fishes of Kikai Island in the Amami Islands, Kagoshima, southern Japan, with 259 new records. Bulletin of the Kagoshima University Museum, 14: 1-73.; Motomura & Uehara, 2020Motomura, H. & Uehara, K. 2020. An annotated checklist of marine and freshwater fishes of Okinoerabu Island in the Amami Islands, Kagoshima, southern Japan, with 361 new records. Bulletin of the Kagoshima University Museum, 12: 1-125.; 本村, 2020 (JAF list ver. 1 - 6); 本村, 2021 (JAF list ver. 7 - 12); 山崎ほか, 2022 (茨城県,国外外来種)山崎和哉・外山太一郎・大森健策・金子誠也・諸澤崇裕・稲葉 修・増子勝男・萩原富司・荒山和則・加納光樹. 2022. 証拠標本・写真に基づく茨城県産淡水・汽水魚類目録の再検討. 茨城県自然博物館研究報告, 25: 79-94.; 本村, 2022 (JAF list ver. 13 - 18); Motomura, 2023 (種子島)Motomura, H. 2023. An annotated checklist of marine and freshwater fishes of Tanega-shima and Mage-shima islands in the Osumi Islands, Kagoshima, southern Japan, with 536 new records. Bulletin of the Kagoshima University Museum, 20: 1-250.; 本村, 2023 (JAF list ver. 19 - 21)
Gumbusia affinisカダヤシ吉郷・岩崎, 2001吉郷英範・岩崎 誠. 2001. 沖縄島で繁殖が確認された国外侵入種の魚類. 比婆科学,201:15-26.








  • 外来生物法 - 特定外来生物
  • 生態系被害防止外来種リスト - 総合対策外来種 - 重点対策外来種


ハワイから台湾を経由し,大正時代初期に日本に移入された(知来・斉藤 2018)


魚類写真資料データベースで見る WEB魚図鑑で見る 日本淡水魚愛護会で見る


  • 知来 要・斉藤裕也. 2018. 埼玉の淡水魚図鑑. さわらび舎, 159pp.
  • 蒲原稔治. 1931. 高知市附近の魚類追記(1). 動物学雑誌,43(514): 533-544.
  • 川那部浩哉・水野信彦・細谷和海(編). 2002. 山渓カラー名鑑 日本の淡水魚 3版. 山と渓谷社,720pp. URL
  • Kottelat, M. 2013. The Fishes of the Inland Waters of Southeast Asia: A Catalogue and Core Bibliography of the Fishes Known to Occur in Freshwaters, Mangroves and Estuaries. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 27: 1-663.
  • van der Laan, R. 2023. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-seventh Edition. 1130pp.
  • 中坊徹次(編). 2013. 日本産魚類検索 全種の同定 第三版. 東海大学出版会,l+2430pp. URL
  • 中村守純. 1963. 原色淡水魚類検索図鑑. 北隆館,258pp.
  • 大島正満. 1940. 脊椎動物大系 魚. 三省堂, 2 + 7 + 661 + 45 + xxxxiv pp. 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション(参照2023-6-5). DOI: 10.11501/1073163 URL
  • 嶋津信彦. 2017. 沖縄島の外来魚ガイド 第二版. しまづ外来魚研究所, 120pp.
  • 田島正敏(監). 2014. 改訂版 佐賀県の淡水魚 人と川と自然を考える. 佐賀県立図書館,153pp. URL
  • 吉野哲夫・西島信昇・篠原士郎. 1975. 琉球列島産魚類目録. 琉球大学理工学部紀要理学編,20:61-118.
  • 「我が国の生態系等に被害を及ぼすおそれのある外来種リスト(生態系被害防止外来種リスト)」の公表について(お知らせ). http://www.env.go.jp/press/100775.html URL


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