

Genus Sicyopterus Gill, 1860


Sicyopterus japonicus (Tanaka, 1909)



うろり(紀伊半島,遡上期のもの),イシスイ(宮崎県),イシハゼ(宮崎県),イワスイ(和歌山県),イーブ(沖縄島),ウブ(奄美大島),ウマンクソハゼ(宮崎県),カジッカ(栃木県),カチカ(栃木県),カミナリカンジー(静岡県),カミナリボチ(静岡県),カワボオズ(奈良県),スイツキ(栃木県,奈良県),スイツキカジカ(栃木県),スイツキカンジー(静岡県),スイツキゴリ(高知県),スイツキボチ(静岡県),ドバクロ(和歌山県),ドモクロ(宮崎県),ドンカチ(茨城県),ドンガチ(宮崎県),ナガタロジク(宮崎県),ナベラ(和歌山県),ナメラ(茨城県,和歌山県),ナンベラ(和歌山県),ナンベラボウズ(茨城県,和歌山県),ハゼ(茨城県),ホトケチチコ(高知県),ボウズカジカ(静岡県),ボウズカンジー(静岡県),ボウズゴリ(茨城県,栃木県,高知県),ボオズゴリ(栃木県,高知県),ミミナシ(高知県),Bouzu-haze,Monk Goby,parrot goby


ボウズ = 頭部が丸みが強いことと,主に藻類(精進料理にみたてた)を食べることにちなむといわれている


Sicyopterus japonicusvan der Laan, 2015van der Laan, R. 2015. Freshwater Fish List: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Eleventh edition. 910pp.; van der Laan, 2016van der Laan, R. 2016. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Seventeenth edition. 940pp.; van der Laan, 2017van der Laan, R. 2017. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twentieth edition. 975pp.; van der Laan, 2018van der Laan, R. 2018. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-fourth edition. 1006pp.; van der Laan, 2019van der Laan, R. 2019. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-sixth edition. 1072pp.; van der Laan, 2020van der Laan, R. 2020. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-eighth edition. 1088pp.; Parenti, 2021Parenti, P. 2021. A checklist of the gobioid fishes of the world (Percomorpha: Gobiiformes). Iranian Journal of Ichthyology, 8(Suppl. 1): 1-480. DOI: 10.22034/iji.v8i0.556 URL; van der Laan, 2021van der Laan, R. 2021. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-first Edition. 1102pp.; van der Laan, 2022van der Laan, R. 2022. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-fourth Edition. 1120pp.; van der Laan, 2023van der Laan, R. 2023. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-seventh Edition. 1130pp.
ボウズハゼ中坊編, 2000中坊徹次(編). 2000. 日本産魚類検索 全種の同定 第二版. 東海大学出版会,lvi+1748pp.; 川那部ほか編, 2002川那部浩哉・水野信彦・細谷和海(編). 2002. 山渓カラー名鑑 日本の淡水魚 3版. 山と渓谷社,720pp. URL; 吉郷, 2003吉郷英範. 2003. 壱岐・対馬で確認された陸水性魚類. 比和科学博物館研究報告,42: 1-29.; 瀬能ほか, 2004瀬能 宏・矢野維幾・鈴木寿之・渋川浩一. 2004. 決定版 日本のハゼ. 平凡社,536pp. URL; 兵庫陸水生物研究会編, 2008兵庫陸水生物研究会(編). 2008. 兵庫県の淡水魚. 兵庫県立人と自然の博物館自然環境モノグラフ, 4: 1-243.; 栃木県なかがわ水遊園, 2010栃木県なかがわ水遊園(監修). 2010. とちぎの魚図鑑. 下野新聞社, 167pp.; 中坊編, 2013中坊徹次(編). 2013. 日本産魚類検索 全種の同定 第三版. 東海大学出版会,l+2430pp. URL; 吉郷, 2014吉郷英範. 2014. 琉球列島産陸水性魚類相および文献目録. Fauna Ryukyuana, 9: 1–153.; 環境省, 2015環境省. 2015. レッドデータブック2014 日本の絶滅のおそれのある野生生物 4 汽水・淡水魚類. ぎょうせい,xxx+414pp. Amazon; 細谷ほか, 2015細谷和海・内山りゅう・藤田朝彦・武内啓明・川瀬成吾. 2015. 山渓ハンディ図鑑15 日本の淡水魚. 山と渓谷社,528pp. Amazon; Motomura & Harazaki, 2017Motomura, H. & Harazaki, S. 2017. Annotated checklist of marine and freshwater fishes of Yaku-shima island in the Osumi Islands, Kagoshima, southern Japan, with 129 new records. Bulletin of the Kagoshima University Museum, 9: 1-183.; 向井, 2017向井貴彦(編著). 2017. 岐阜県の魚類. 岐阜新聞社,214pp.; Mochida & Motomura, 2018Mochida, I. & Motomura, H. 2018. An annotated checklist of marine and freshwater fishes of Tokunoshima island in the Amami Islands, Kagoshima, southern Japan, with 214 new records. Bulletin of the Kagoshima University Museum, 10: 1-80.; Nakae et al., 2018Nakae, M., Motomura, H., Hagiwara, K., Senou, H., Koeda, K., Yoshida, T., Tashiro, S., Jeong, B., Hata, H., Fukui, Y., Fujiwara, K., Yamakawa, T., Aizawa, M., Shinohara, G. & Matsuura, K. 2018. An Annotated Checklist of Fishes of Amami-oshima Island, the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Mem. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Tokyo, (52): 205-361.; 中坊編, 2018中坊徹次(編). 2018. 小学館の図鑑Z 日本魚類館. 小学館,xvi+524pp. Amazon; 本村ほか編, 2018本村浩之・萩原清司・瀬能 宏・中江雅典(編). 2018. 奄美群島の魚類. 鹿児島大学総合研究博物館,横須賀市自然・人文博物館,神奈川県立生命の星・地球博物館,国立科学博物館,414pp.; 金川ほか, 2018金川直幸・森口宏明・北原佳郎・渋川浩一. 2018. 菊川水系感潮域の魚類相(予報). 東海自然誌, 11: 21-43.; 向井, 2019向井貴彦(編著). 2019. 岐阜県の魚類 第二版. 岐阜新聞社, 224pp. Amazon; 細谷ほか, 2019細谷和海・内山りゅう・藤田朝彦・武内啓明・川瀬成吾. 2019. 山渓ハンディ図鑑15 増補改訂 日本の淡水魚. 山と渓谷社, 560pp. Amazon; Motomura & Uehara, 2020Motomura, H. & Uehara, K. 2020. An annotated checklist of marine and freshwater fishes of Okinoerabu Island in the Amami Islands, Kagoshima, southern Japan, with 361 new records. Bulletin of the Kagoshima University Museum, 12: 1-125.; 旗, 2020旗 薫. 2020. 宮城県内の河川で採集された県内初記録となる暖水性魚類. 伊豆沼・内沼研究報告, 14: 69-80. DOI: 10.20745/izu.14.0_69 URL; 本村, 2020 (JAF list ver. 1 - 6); 本村, 2021 (JAF list ver. 7 - 12); 瀬能監, 2021瀬能 宏(監修). 2021. 新版日本のハゼ. 新訂・増補版. 平凡社, 588pp. Amazon; 山崎ほか, 2022 (茨城県)山崎和哉・外山太一郎・大森健策・金子誠也・諸澤崇裕・稲葉 修・増子勝男・萩原富司・荒山和則・加納光樹. 2022. 証拠標本・写真に基づく茨城県産淡水・汽水魚類目録の再検討. 茨城県自然博物館研究報告, 25: 79-94.; 本村, 2022 (JAF list ver. 13 - 18); 金子ほか, 2022金子誠也・山崎和哉・外山太一郎・大森健策・中嶌政明・加納光樹. 2022. 茨城県久慈川感潮域の魚類相. 茨城県自然博物館研究報告, 25: 27-40.; Motomura, 2023 (種子島)Motomura, H. 2023. An annotated checklist of marine and freshwater fishes of Tanega-shima and Mage-shima islands in the Osumi Islands, Kagoshima, southern Japan, with 536 new records. Bulletin of the Kagoshima University Museum, 20: 1-250.; 山川ほか, 2023山川宇宙・内田大貴・外山太一郎・津田吉晃. 2023. 福島県いわき市の河川で採集された暖水性の水生動物5種. 水生動物, 2023: AA2023-14. DOI: 10.34394/aquaticanimals.2023.0_AA2023-14 URL; 本村, 2023 (JAF list ver. 19 - 21)
Sicyopterus japonicaZhang et al., 2016Zhang, C.-G., Zhao, Y.-H. et al. 2016. Species Diversity and Distribution of Inland Fishes in China. Science Press, viii+284pp.







  • IUCN - -----
  • 環境省 - -----
  • 宮城県2023 - 情報不足
  • 福島県2022 - 情報不足
  • 茨城県2015 - 情報不足①注目種
  • 東京都区部2020 - 情報不足
  • 東京都北多摩2020 - 情報不足
  • 東京都南多摩2020 - 情報不足
  • 東京都伊豆諸島2011淡水 - 情報不足
  • 東京都小笠原諸島2011淡水 - 絶滅危惧II類
  • 神奈川県2006 - 準絶滅危惧
  • 山梨県2018 - 情報不足
  • 愛知県2020 - 絶滅危惧II類
  • 大阪府2014 - 情報不足
  • 奈良県2016 - 情報不足種
  • 徳島県2014 - 留意
  • 高知県2017 - 高知県注目種
  • 長崎県2022 - 絶滅危惧II類
  • 熊本県2019 - 要注目種


魚類写真資料データベースで見る WEB魚図鑑で見る 日本淡水魚愛護会で見る


Sicyopterus lagocephalus (Pallas, 1770)


2016.3.13 相模川ふれあい科学館


イーブー(沖縄県,混称),Gobius Jonklaasi,Hale's Goby,Mountain Goby,Rabbithead Cling-goby,Redtail Goby,Ruri-bouzu-haze,blue stream goby


Sicyopterus lagocephalusKeith et al., 2011Keith, P., Lord, C., Lorion, J., Watanabe, S., Tsukamoto, K., Couloux, A. & Dettai, A. 2011. Phylogeny and biogeography of Sicydiinae (Teleostei: Gobiidae) inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear genes. Marine Biology, 158: 311-326.; Agorreta et al., 2013Agorreta, A., Mauro, D.S., Schliewen, U., van Tassell, J.L., Kovačić, M., Zardoya, R. & Rüber, L. 2013. Molecular phylogenetics of Gobioidei and phylogenetic placement of European gobies. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 69: 619-633.; van der Laan, 2015van der Laan, R. 2015. Freshwater Fish List: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Eleventh edition. 910pp.; van der Laan, 2016van der Laan, R. 2016. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Seventeenth edition. 940pp.; van der Laan, 2017van der Laan, R. 2017. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twentieth edition. 975pp.; van der Laan, 2018van der Laan, R. 2018. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-fourth edition. 1006pp.; van der Laan, 2019van der Laan, R. 2019. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-sixth edition. 1072pp.; van der Laan, 2020van der Laan, R. 2020. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-eighth edition. 1088pp.; Parenti, 2021Parenti, P. 2021. A checklist of the gobioid fishes of the world (Percomorpha: Gobiiformes). Iranian Journal of Ichthyology, 8(Suppl. 1): 1-480. DOI: 10.22034/iji.v8i0.556 URL; van der Laan, 2021van der Laan, R. 2021. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-first Edition. 1102pp.; van der Laan, 2022van der Laan, R. 2022. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-fourth Edition. 1120pp.; van der Laan, 2023van der Laan, R. 2023. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-seventh Edition. 1130pp.
ルリボウズハゼ中坊編, 2000中坊徹次(編). 2000. 日本産魚類検索 全種の同定 第二版. 東海大学出版会,lvi+1748pp.; 佐々木ほか, 2001佐々木哲朗・尾形新実・藤田牧子. 2001. 小笠原諸島初記録のボウズハゼ類2種. I.O.P. Diving News, 12(3): 2-4.; 川那部ほか編, 2002川那部浩哉・水野信彦・細谷和海(編). 2002. 山渓カラー名鑑 日本の淡水魚 3版. 山と渓谷社,720pp. URL; 瀬能ほか, 2004瀬能 宏・矢野維幾・鈴木寿之・渋川浩一. 2004. 決定版 日本のハゼ. 平凡社,536pp. URL; 中坊編, 2013中坊徹次(編). 2013. 日本産魚類検索 全種の同定 第三版. 東海大学出版会,l+2430pp. URL; 吉郷, 2014吉郷英範. 2014. 琉球列島産陸水性魚類相および文献目録. Fauna Ryukyuana, 9: 1–153.; 環境省, 2015環境省. 2015. レッドデータブック2014 日本の絶滅のおそれのある野生生物 4 汽水・淡水魚類. ぎょうせい,xxx+414pp. Amazon; 細谷ほか, 2015細谷和海・内山りゅう・藤田朝彦・武内啓明・川瀬成吾. 2015. 山渓ハンディ図鑑15 日本の淡水魚. 山と渓谷社,528pp. Amazon; Koeda et al., 2016Koeda, K., Hibino, Y., Yoshida, T., Kimura, Y., Miki, R., Kunishima, T., Sasaki, D., Furukawa, T., Sakurai, M., Eguchi, K., Suzuki, H., Inaba, T., Uejo, T., Tanaka, S., Fujisawa, M., Wada, H. & Uchiyama, T. 2016. Annotated checklist of fishes of Yonaguni-jima island, the westernmost island in Japan. The Kagoshima University Museum, v+120pp.; Motomura & Harazaki, 2017Motomura, H. & Harazaki, S. 2017. Annotated checklist of marine and freshwater fishes of Yaku-shima island in the Osumi Islands, Kagoshima, southern Japan, with 129 new records. Bulletin of the Kagoshima University Museum, 9: 1-183.; Nakae et al., 2018Nakae, M., Motomura, H., Hagiwara, K., Senou, H., Koeda, K., Yoshida, T., Tashiro, S., Jeong, B., Hata, H., Fukui, Y., Fujiwara, K., Yamakawa, T., Aizawa, M., Shinohara, G. & Matsuura, K. 2018. An Annotated Checklist of Fishes of Amami-oshima Island, the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Mem. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Tokyo, (52): 205-361.; 中坊編, 2018中坊徹次(編). 2018. 小学館の図鑑Z 日本魚類館. 小学館,xvi+524pp. Amazon; 細谷ほか, 2019細谷和海・内山りゅう・藤田朝彦・武内啓明・川瀬成吾. 2019. 山渓ハンディ図鑑15 増補改訂 日本の淡水魚. 山と渓谷社, 560pp. Amazon; 本村, 2020 (JAF list ver. 1 - 6); 本村, 2021 (JAF list ver. 7 - 12); 瀬能監, 2021瀬能 宏(監修). 2021. 新版日本のハゼ. 新訂・増補版. 平凡社, 588pp. Amazon; 赤池ほか, 2021赤池貴大・藤原恭司・上原航知・松岡 翠・藤井琢磨・ジョン ビョル・松本達也・中川龍一・緒方僚輝・是枝伶旺・古𣘺龍星・望月健太郎・飯野友香・出羽優凪・石原祥太郎・本村浩之. 2021. 標本に基づく琉球列島初記録を含む沖永良部島初記録の魚類66種,およびサザンプラティフィッシュの島内における新産地とカワアナゴ属の一種の形態学的特徴. Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 13: 18-35. DOI: 10.34583/ichthy.13.0_18 URL; 本村, 2022 (JAF list ver. 13 - 18); Motomura, 2023 (種子島)Motomura, H. 2023. An annotated checklist of marine and freshwater fishes of Tanega-shima and Mage-shima islands in the Osumi Islands, Kagoshima, southern Japan, with 536 new records. Bulletin of the Kagoshima University Museum, 20: 1-250.; 井藤・庄野, 2023井藤大樹・庄野耕生. 2023. 高知県貝ノ川川で採集された分布北限記録のルリボウズハゼ. Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 28: 26-31. DOI: 10.34583/ichthy.28.0_26 URL; 本村, 2023 (JAF list ver. 19 - 21)
Sicyopterus extraneusvan der Laan, 2015van der Laan, R. 2015. Freshwater Fish List: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Eleventh edition. 910pp.; van der Laan, 2016van der Laan, R. 2016. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Seventeenth edition. 940pp.; van der Laan, 2017van der Laan, R. 2017. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twentieth edition. 975pp.; van der Laan, 2018van der Laan, R. 2018. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-fourth edition. 1006pp.; van der Laan, 2019van der Laan, R. 2019. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-sixth edition. 1072pp.; van der Laan, 2020van der Laan, R. 2020. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-eighth edition. 1088pp.; van der Laan, 2021van der Laan, R. 2021. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-first Edition. 1102pp.; van der Laan, 2022van der Laan, R. 2022. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-fourth Edition. 1120pp.; van der Laan, 2023van der Laan, R. 2023. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-seventh Edition. 1130pp.
Sicyopterus haleivan der Laan, 2015van der Laan, R. 2015. Freshwater Fish List: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Eleventh edition. 910pp.; van der Laan, 2016van der Laan, R. 2016. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Seventeenth edition. 940pp.; van der Laan, 2017van der Laan, R. 2017. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twentieth edition. 975pp.; van der Laan, 2018van der Laan, R. 2018. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-fourth edition. 1006pp.; van der Laan, 2019van der Laan, R. 2019. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-sixth edition. 1072pp.; van der Laan, 2020van der Laan, R. 2020. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-eighth edition. 1088pp.; van der Laan, 2021van der Laan, R. 2021. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-first Edition. 1102pp.; van der Laan, 2022van der Laan, R. 2022. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-fourth Edition. 1120pp.; van der Laan, 2023van der Laan, R. 2023. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-seventh Edition. 1130pp.
Sicyopterus laticepsvan der Laan, 2015van der Laan, R. 2015. Freshwater Fish List: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Eleventh edition. 910pp.; van der Laan, 2016van der Laan, R. 2016. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Seventeenth edition. 940pp.; van der Laan, 2017van der Laan, R. 2017. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twentieth edition. 975pp.; van der Laan, 2018van der Laan, R. 2018. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-fourth edition. 1006pp.; van der Laan, 2019van der Laan, R. 2019. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-sixth edition. 1072pp.; van der Laan, 2020van der Laan, R. 2020. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-eighth edition. 1088pp.; van der Laan, 2021van der Laan, R. 2021. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-first Edition. 1102pp.; van der Laan, 2022van der Laan, R. 2022. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-fourth Edition. 1120pp.; van der Laan, 2023van der Laan, R. 2023. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-seventh Edition. 1130pp.
Sicyopterus taeniurusThacker, 2015Thacker, C.E. 2015. Biogeography of goby lineages (Gobiiformes: Gobioidei): origin, invasions and extinction throughout the Cenozoic. Journal of Biogeography, 42: 1615-1625.; van der Laan, 2015van der Laan, R. 2015. Freshwater Fish List: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Eleventh edition. 910pp.; van der Laan, 2016van der Laan, R. 2016. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Seventeenth edition. 940pp.; van der Laan, 2017van der Laan, R. 2017. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twentieth edition. 975pp.; van der Laan, 2018van der Laan, R. 2018. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-fourth edition. 1006pp.; van der Laan, 2019van der Laan, R. 2019. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-sixth edition. 1072pp.; van der Laan, 2020van der Laan, R. 2020. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-eighth edition. 1088pp.; van der Laan, 2021van der Laan, R. 2021. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-first Edition. 1102pp.; van der Laan, 2022van der Laan, R. 2022. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-fourth Edition. 1120pp.; van der Laan, 2023van der Laan, R. 2023. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-seventh Edition. 1130pp.
Sicyopterus tauaevan der Laan, 2015van der Laan, R. 2015. Freshwater Fish List: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Eleventh edition. 910pp.; van der Laan, 2016van der Laan, R. 2016. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Seventeenth edition. 940pp.; van der Laan, 2017van der Laan, R. 2017. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twentieth edition. 975pp.; van der Laan, 2018van der Laan, R. 2018. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-fourth edition. 1006pp.; van der Laan, 2019van der Laan, R. 2019. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-sixth edition. 1072pp.; van der Laan, 2020van der Laan, R. 2020. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-eighth edition. 1088pp.; van der Laan, 2021van der Laan, R. 2021. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-first Edition. 1102pp.







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  • 東京都小笠原諸島2011淡水 - 絶滅危惧IA類
  • 鹿児島県2014 - 絶滅危惧II類


魚類写真資料データベースで見る WEB魚図鑑で見る 日本淡水魚愛護会で見る


Sicyopterus longifilis de Beaufort, 1912


threadfin goby / Longfin Fang Goby / Gizagiza-bouzu-haze


ギザギザ = 上唇の縁が鋸歯状であることにちなむ


Sicyopterus longifilisKottelat, 2013Kottelat, M. 2013. The Fishes of the Inland Waters of Southeast Asia: A Catalogue and Core Bibliography of the Fishes Known to Occur in Freshwaters, Mangroves and Estuaries. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 27: 1-663.; van der Laan, 2015van der Laan, R. 2015. Freshwater Fish List: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Eleventh edition. 910pp.; van der Laan, 2016van der Laan, R. 2016. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Seventeenth edition. 940pp.; van der Laan, 2017van der Laan, R. 2017. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twentieth edition. 975pp.; van der Laan, 2018van der Laan, R. 2018. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-fourth edition. 1006pp.; van der Laan, 2019van der Laan, R. 2019. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-sixth edition. 1072pp.; van der Laan, 2020van der Laan, R. 2020. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-eighth edition. 1088pp.; Parenti, 2021Parenti, P. 2021. A checklist of the gobioid fishes of the world (Percomorpha: Gobiiformes). Iranian Journal of Ichthyology, 8(Suppl. 1): 1-480. DOI: 10.22034/iji.v8i0.556 URL; van der Laan, 2021van der Laan, R. 2021. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-first Edition. 1102pp.; van der Laan, 2022van der Laan, R. 2022. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-fourth Edition. 1120pp.; van der Laan, 2023van der Laan, R. 2023. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Thirty-seventh Edition. 1130pp.
ギザギザボウズハゼ★Maeda & Saeki, 2018Maeda, K. & Saeki, T. 2018. Revision of Species in Sicyopterus (Gobiidae: Sicydiinae) Described by de Beaufort (1912), with a First Record of Sicyopterus longifilis from Japan. Species Diversity, 23: 253-262. DOI: 10.12782/specdiv.23.253 URL; 瀬能監, 2021瀬能 宏(監修). 2021. 新版日本のハゼ. 新訂・増補版. 平凡社, 588pp. Amazon
Sicyopterus brevisKottelat, 2013Kottelat, M. 2013. The Fishes of the Inland Waters of Southeast Asia: A Catalogue and Core Bibliography of the Fishes Known to Occur in Freshwaters, Mangroves and Estuaries. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 27: 1-663.; van der Laan, 2015van der Laan, R. 2015. Freshwater Fish List: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Eleventh edition. 910pp.; van der Laan, 2016van der Laan, R. 2016. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Seventeenth edition. 940pp.; van der Laan, 2017van der Laan, R. 2017. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twentieth edition. 975pp.; van der Laan, 2018van der Laan, R. 2018. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-fourth edition. 1006pp.
Sicyopterus longifilis deギザギザボウズハゼ本村, 2020 (JAF list ver. 1 - 6); 本村, 2021 (JAF list ver. 7 - 12); 本村, 2022 (JAF list ver. 13 - 18); 本村, 2023 (JAF list ver. 19 - 21)
Sicyopterus panayensisKottelat, 2013Kottelat, M. 2013. The Fishes of the Inland Waters of Southeast Asia: A Catalogue and Core Bibliography of the Fishes Known to Occur in Freshwaters, Mangroves and Estuaries. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 27: 1-663.; van der Laan, 2015van der Laan, R. 2015. Freshwater Fish List: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Eleventh edition. 910pp.; van der Laan, 2016van der Laan, R. 2016. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Seventeenth edition. 940pp.; van der Laan, 2017van der Laan, R. 2017. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twentieth edition. 975pp.; van der Laan, 2018van der Laan, R. 2018. FRESHWATER FISH LIST: an alphabetic scientific name list of the world’s freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature. Twenty-fourth edition. 1006pp.




台湾,インドネシア,フィリピン諸島,パプアニューギニア,ソロモン諸島[ref. 1359]



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  • Maeda, K. & Saeki, T. 2018. Revision of Species in Sicyopterus (Gobiidae: Sicydiinae) Described by de Beaufort (1912), with a First Record of Sicyopterus longifilis from Japan. Species Diversity, 23: 253-262. DOI: 10.12782/specdiv.23.253 URL
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